While I remain a member of the Australian Federation of Civil Celebrants Inc. (AFCC), I agree to comply with the spirit, intent and provisions of this Code of Ethics and accept the responsibilities of such implied by membership of the association:
- To maintain the highest levels of business, professional and personal standards;
- To respect in all circumstances the privacy, confidentiality and trust expected by clients and members of the public;
- To provide sufficient, timely, transparent and accurate information about the range and extent of services available, the costs of those services and the functions and responsibilities accepted for and on behalf of clients;
- To respect the personal choices of clients, having due regard to the diversity of beliefs, cultural backgrounds and practices;
- To ensure that all personal advertising is in good taste and directed at informing the public without indicating any conflicts of interests;
- To be conversant with relevant legislation and regulations directly or indirectly applicable to celebrancy and to comply with such;
- To respect the ethical expectations of other professionals with whom I interact in my celebrancy activities; and
- To inform and provide access to relevant client advisory services and authorities to facilitate mediation or resolution of any disputes that may arise and to co-operate with the resolution of any such disputes.
Code of Practice for marriage celebrants (regulation 37L)
1 – Application of this Code of Practice
This Code of Practice applies to marriage celebrants (being persons registeredunder Subdivision C of Division 1 of Part IV of the Marriage Act 1961).
Note: Under paragraph 39I(1)(b) of the Marriage Act 1961, if the Registrar of Marriage Celebrants is satisfied that a marriage celebrant has not complied with anobligation under section 39G of that Act, including this Code of Practice, the Registrar may take disciplinary measures against the marriage celebrant.
2 – High standard of service
A marriage celebrant must maintain a high standard of service in his or her professional conduct and practice.
3 – Recognition of significance of marriage
A marriage celebrant must recognise the social, cultural and legal significance ofmarriage and the marriage ceremony in the Australian community, and theimportance of strong and respectful family relationships.
4 – Compliance with the Marriage Act and other laws
A marriage celebrant must:
(a) solemnise marriages according to the legal requirements of the Marriage Act1961 (Cth); and
(b) observe the laws of the Commonwealth and of the State or Territory where themarriage is to be solemnised; and
(c) prevent and avoid unlawful discrimination in the provision of marriage celebrancy services.
5 – General requirements for marriage ceremonies
A marriage celebrant must respect the importance of the marriage ceremony to theparties and the other persons organising the ceremony. To that end, the marriagecelebrant must do the following:
(a) give the parties information and guidance to enable them to choose or compose a marriage ceremony that will meet their needs and expectations;
(b) respect the privacy and confidentiality of the parties;
(c) maintain appropriate facilities to interview parties and provide office facilities, including facilities for the secure storage of records;
(d) within a reasonable time before the marriage ceremony:
(i) confirm all details with the parties; and
(ii) ensure the return of all personal documents belonging to the parties (unless itis necessary to keep the documents for the ceremony); and
(iii) sign any necessary declarations;
(e) if requested by the parties, conduct a marriage ceremony rehearsal;
(f) ensure that his or her personal presentation is of an appropriate standard for themarriage ceremony, and respect the expectations of the parties in relation to theceremony;
(g) make efforts to ensure that the marriage ceremony is audible to all those present(using audio equipment, if required);
(h) ensure accuracy in the preparation of documents, and in the conduct of themarriage ceremony;
(i) arrive at the venue for the marriage ceremony no later than the time agreed withthe parties;
(j) if the marriage celebrant has agreed to perform more than one marriage ceremony on the same day:
(i) ensure that the parties to each marriage receive a level of service that meetstheir separate and special requirements; and
(ii) be available at the venue for each marriage ceremony at least 20 minutes
before the agreed commencement of each ceremony (unless, in the case of
consecutive ceremonies, the ceremonies are to be held at the same venue);
(k) ensure that all relevant documents are completed and sent to theappropriateregistering authority within 14 days after the marriage ceremony, as required bysection 50 of the Marriage Act 1961;
(l) in relation to the provision of marriage services, accept evaluative comment fromthe parties, and use any comments to improve performance;
(m) give the parties information about how to notify the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department of any concerns or complaints they may have regardingthe marriage services provided by the marriage celebrant.
6 – Knowledge and understanding of family relationships services
A marriage celebrant must:
(a) maintain an up-to-date knowledge about appropriate family relationships services in the community; and
(b) inform parties about the range of information and services available to them toenhance, and sustain them throughout, their relationship.